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With Google Play for Education, teachers can find apps “approved by teachers for teachers.”
Google Challenges Apple’s Dominance In Schools, Rip Empson, TechCrunch
The conglomerate plans to cash in on edu with custom-made tablet computers and curricula.
Inside News Corp's $540 Million Bet on American Classrooms, Travis Andrews, Mashable
New technology is poised to disrupt America's schools, and then the world's.
Catching On at Last, The Economist
The $12.5M contract is for developing a digital library of formative assessment PD tools.
Amplify Wins Contract from Common-Core Test Consortium, Sean Cavanagh, Ed Week
Amplify will not just sell curriculum on their tablet, but also infrastructure for students’ data.
News Corp. Has a Tablet for Schools, Amy Chozick, New York Times
Co. betting schools will fork over a pretty penny to get blended learning thru a custom tablet.
News Corp’s Ed Tablet the Bureaucratic Fit Schools Need, Ferenstein & Empson, TechCrunch
Contract terms were undisclosed, but the RFP stipulated project could not exceed $4.9 million.
Wireless Generation Wins Contract for Common Assessments, Jason Tomassini, Education Week
6-year old San Francisco firm increases offerings of Wireless Generation's assessment tools.
Wireless Generation Buys Intel-Assess, Mike Hohenbrink, THE Journal
Information on K12, Inc., Connections Education, Wireless Generation, Sylvan Learning.
Publicly Traded Ed Companies Are Rare, Robin Flanigan, EdWeek
The education industries top firms are rushing to secure their future...
The Race for Education Tech Heats Up -Scott Olster, CNN Money
The shift to personal digital learning is happening faster than most observers suggest...
Pearson Buys Connections: What It Means -Tom Vander Ark, Huff Post Education
News Corp buys 90% Stake, gets Wireless Generation’s assessment software, mCLASS
News Corp, After Hiring Klein,Buys Technology Partner -Fernanda Santos, New York Times
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