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In ed biz, it's the best of times for private companies, but the worst of times for public ones.
Tale of Two Cities, University Ventures
American Council on Education endorses 5 of Sophia’s general education courses for credit.
5 Sophia Courses Get a Key OK for Credit, Jenna Ross, Star Tribule
The enticement is more student engagement, learning from other students, connecting globally.
Might It Be Social Learning? Michael Horn, Education Next
The edtech climate is dramatically hotter and even frothier than it was a year ago.
Education Innovation Heats Up in the Desert, Michael Horn, Hechinger Report
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Who's Who
Tale of Two Cities
In ed biz, it's the best of times for private companies, but the worst of times for public ones.
Tale of Two Cities, University Ventures
in Big Data, Privacy, Analytics, Op-Ed & Commentary, Apollo Group, Sophia | Permalink