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The head of Amplify’s tablet unit, Stephen Smyth, left the company in February.
News Corp. Is Winding Down School Tablet Sales, Laura Colby, Bloomberg Business
"I believe your piece is riddled with factual errors, inconsistencies and incorrect analysis."
Amplify's Joel Klein Responds to Bloomberg News Article, Joel Klein, Bloomberg
Tablets and an online curriculum were supposed to help revolutionize schools.
Failures in News Corp’s $1B Plan to Overhaul Education, Laura Colby, Bloomberg
So why did it collapse?
inBloom's Collapse Offers Lessons For Innovation In Education, Michael Horn, Forbes
Common Core has tapped into a vein of outrage on the left as well as the right.
Inside the Mammoth Backlash to Common Core, Tim Murphy, Mother Jones
The latest innovation promise big improvements in teaching.
Taking the Learning Tablets, The Economist
Weld North to acquire 2 digital learning businesses, adds English-language education and school mgt.
Ex-Chief of Kaplan Aims to Build Rival Digital Learning Co, Michael De La Merced, NYT
We cover a lot of ground: edtech in general, standardized testing, privacy, & more.
Q&A With Jim Shelton of the Department Of Education, Jordan Shapiro, Forbes
About Larry Berger (Wireless Generation), Jonathan Harbor (SchoolNet), Ron Packard (K12).
For Education Entrepreneurs, Innovation Yields High Returns, Julie Petersen, EducationNext
Here's one: Well-designed courses can increase retention and improve learning.
5 Factors That Elevate Role of Design in Digital Ed in 2014, Keith Hampson, Acrobatiq
NC district suspended a tablet program with News Corp.’s Amplify after reports of defects.
School District Pauses Program with News Corp's Amplify, Ki Mae Heussner, GigaOM
The conglomerate plans to cash in on edu with custom-made tablet computers and curricula.
Inside News Corp's $540 Million Bet on American Classrooms, Travis Andrews, Mashable
New technology is poised to disrupt America's schools, and then the world's.
Catching On at Last, The Economist
Amplify announced a high school MOOC for AP Computer Science, available this August.
News Corp's Amplify is Latest with a MOOC for High School Crowd, Ki Mae Heussner, GigaOM
Amplify will not just sell curriculum on their tablet, but also infrastructure for students’ data.
News Corp. Has a Tablet for Schools, Amy Chozick, New York Times
Co. betting schools will fork over a pretty penny to get blended learning thru a custom tablet.
News Corp’s Ed Tablet the Bureaucratic Fit Schools Need, Ferenstein & Empson, TechCrunch
Joel Klein, EVP News Corp. unwraps Amplify, which has been cloaked in mystery for years.
News Corp Unveils Amplify Education Arm, Jill Goldsmith, Variety
Joel Klein, Sal Khan, & Sebastian Thrun discuss how tech can benefit the public school system.
Udacity and Khan CEOs Talk Disruption in Education, Christina Farr, VentureBeat
Discovery Techbooks, News Corp Amplify, NBC Learn. Is ed biz the answer to slipping profits?
Media Companies, Seeing Profits Slip, Push into Education, Barnes & Chozick, NYT
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Who's Who
Amplify's Joel Klein Responds to Bloomberg News Article
"I believe your piece is riddled with factual errors, inconsistencies and incorrect analysis."
Amplify's Joel Klein Responds to Bloomberg News Article, Joel Klein, Bloomberg
in Adaptive Learning, Apps, Classroom Tech, News, Op-Ed & Commentary, Amplify, Joel Klein, News Corp | Permalink