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Just 7% of contracts between districts & tech companies handling student data barred the companies from selling it for profit. 7%.
Data Mining Your Children, Stephanie Simon, Politico
It will move away from e-textbooks and toward a future of SaaS.
Engrade Sells For ~$50M to McGraw-Hill, Rip Empson, TechCrunch
Company to power connection between leading SIS and US's 1st common infrastructure.
LearnSprout and inBloom Announce Strategic Partnership, PRWeb
Profiles of Clever, LearnSprout, Mathalicious, C8 Sciences, mSchool, Handhold Adaptive.
SIIA ETBF: I Laughed, I Cried, I Fell in Love (w/ a few startups), Tom Segal, Education Week
He's Co-founder of Learnsprout, a startup developing APIs to make education data portable.
Franklyn Chien, Rocketlist
APIs are marching into education, and it’s about time.
Andreessen-Backed LearnSprout About to Raise $1 Million, Rip Empson, TechCrunch
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