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The “unbundling” of classes is one of the most provocative ideas in higher education.
MIT Looks to Stay in Vanguard of Digital Education, Nick Anderson, Washington Post
These AP classes are not MOOCs, but more like massive open online lessons, or MOOLs.
Advanced Placement Classes, Online, for Free, Nick Anderson, Washington Post
Online courses are unlikely to take over higher ed, but they can help revitalize it.
A Clearer Role for MOOCs, Clea Simon, Harvard Gazette
He's one of the best paid hedge fund managers and took home $2.3 billion in 2013.
John Paulson Gives $400M to Harvard for Engineering School, Tamar Lewin, NYT
Purpose is to raise the bar by giving educators clear examples of stellar projects.
Harvard & Nonprofit Launch Library of Exceptional K-12 Student Work, Allie Gross, EdDive
An advocacy group for the deaf sued MIT and Harvard for inaccurate captions.
Justice Department Settles with edX, Emily Stephenson, Reuters
If MOOCs from edX could be described as a city, then Computer Sci is its downtown core.
Surveying the MOOC Landscape, Carl Straumsheim, Inside Higher Ed
MOOCs won’t revolutionize education until there are credentials that lead to jobs.
Here’s What Will Truly Change Higher Education, Kevin Carey, New York Times
Online courses may not be changing colleges, but they prove valuable in surprising ways.
What Are MOOCs Good For? Justin Pope, MIT Technology Review
26 high school courses were created by 14 institutions, including MIT, Rice, UC-Berkeley.
edX Offers Free High School Courses, Matt Rocheleau, Boston Globe
The Ivy League is broken and only standardized tests can fix it.
The Trouble With Harvard, Steven Pinker, The New Republic
MOOC learners seek specific skills and don't want to complete an entire course. LectureScape helps point out those specific skills.
MIT-Spun 'YouTube for MOOCs' is Solving MOOC Problems, Lauren Landry, BostInno
MOOCs haven't stolen students away from universities. They're a genre of their own.
Will Free Online Courses Replace a College Education? B. Winterhalter, The Atlantic
Money magazine released its new best college list, focused on money.
Better College Ranking System. Wait, Babson Beats Harvard? Kevin Carey, NYT
20 graphs about countries, completion rates, grades, age, gender, & education level.
Who Performs the Best in edX Online Classes? Max Wolfe, minimaxir
Private sector invests $4B/yr to improve public education. Why isn't it paying off?
How Business Leaders Can Strengthen US Schools, Julia Hanna, Harvard Business School
A cost crisis, changing labor markets & new tech will turn an old instituition on its head.
Creative destruction in Higher Education, The Economist
2 Harvard professors are engaged in an intellectual food fight over “disruptive innovation.”
Harvard’s Silly and Dreary Innovation Debate, Robert J Samuelson, Washington Post
The big picture is MOOCs magnify the reach of universities by 2-3 orders of magnitude.
Interview: New Coursera Chief Stresses the ‘Wow’ Factor, Nick Anderson, Washington Post
Interview covers: founding edX, key challenges, role of data, & the future of online ed.
Anant Agarwal, EdX CEO, On The Future Of Online Learning, Rahim Kanani, Forbes
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Who's Who
A Clearer Role for MOOCs
Online courses are unlikely to take over higher ed, but they can help revitalize it.
A Clearer Role for MOOCs, Clea Simon, Harvard Gazette
in Higher Ed, MOOCs, Op-Ed & Commentary, Harvard | Permalink