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A preview of the upcoming K–12 NMC Horizon report gives classroom gamification the axe.
Report: Is it Game Over for Gamification? Dr. Frank Smith, EdTech
It's part of the lineage of learning games, but it fundamentally rewrites the playbook. Why?
Why Minecraft Rewrites the Playbook for Learning, Mimi Ito, BoingBoing
The gamification industry is expected to grow beyond $2 billion this year.
10 Stats on the Growth of Gamification, Jessica Sanders, Games and Learning
Teachers have long used cards, dice, pencil-&-paper games, & board games to teach...
How Video Games Can Make Our Kids Smarter, Greg Toppo, Flypaper
Interview with Zach Barth, former game designer for Amplify, about his new game.
Why It's so Hard to Make Successful Educational Games, Phill Cameron, Gamasutra
Two MIT professors argue for more playful educational games.
Is “Making a Game out of Learning” Bad for Learning? Chris Berdik, Hechinger Report
The product, built with neuroscientists and games experts, gamifies brain-building tasks.
Memorado Raises $3.3M to Become Brain-Trainer Leader, Dale North, VentureBeat
Let's clear up the misconceptions.
Difference Between Gamification and Game-Based Learning, Steven Isaacs, ASCD
Guide explains key ideas in game-based learning, pedagogy, implementation, assessment.
MindShift Guide to Digital Games and Learning, Ki Sung, Mind/Shift
Duolingo's founder, “I think we can do a better job than the current educational system."
Why a Computer Is Often the Best Teacher, Liz Gannes, <re/code>
This frustrating craze led to a proliferation of interactive drill games.
‘Gamification’ Is Dead, Long Live Games For Learning, Michael John, TechCrunch
Developers face many paths, even more questions about monetization.
A State of the Learning Games Industry Report, Lee Banville, Game and Learning
Gee’s written and edited many books on game-based learning and education.
Games Can Advance Education: Conversation w James Paul Gee, Jordan Shapiro, Mind/Shift
Big players are involved in researching the benefits of game-based learning in schools.
Games In The Classroom: What the Research Says, Jordan Shapiro, Mind/Shift
More than one third of U.S. college students take at least 1 online course for credit.
Chasing The Elusive 'Quality' In Online Education, Anya Kamenetz, NPR
In a better world, I would be able to choose any academic content, download it to my kids’ iPads and have them obsess over it until they are experts.
Digital Learning via Puzzles, Games, and Simulations, Marie Bjerede, Education Next
NPR "Math Guy" explains why we need different mathematical skills than we once did.
Digital Games and the Future of Math Class, Jordan Shapiro, Mind/Shift
The latest innovation promise big improvements in teaching.
Taking the Learning Tablets, The Economist
Before we go any further: Gamification vs. Game-Based Learning (GBL).
What Game-Based Learning Can Do for Student Achievement, Justin Eames, edSurge
The 5-yr-old Poland-based co reached 23M uniques/mo & aunched 12 localizations.
Brainly: Crowdsourced School Homework, Andrii Degeler, The Next Web
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Who's Who
Why Minecraft Rewrites the Playbook for Learning
It's part of the lineage of learning games, but it fundamentally rewrites the playbook. Why?
Why Minecraft Rewrites the Playbook for Learning, Mimi Ito, BoingBoing
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