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A new report from the National Center on Education Statistics provides some data.
How Much Tougher Is Common Core? Mikhail Zinshteyn, The Atlantic
More bad news for Pearson, the world’s largest education and testing company.
Pearson Loses Huge Testing Contract in New York, Valerie Strauss, Washington Post
The process can evoke the way a restaurant chain monitors the work of its employees and the quality of its products.
Grading the Common Core: No Teaching Experience Required, Motoko Rich, NYT
Make changes, but don’t compromise the ability to measure how well a child is learning.
Don’t Do Away with School Testing, Editorial Board, Washington Post
Parents and educators were frustrated with the amount of time devoted to the new exams.
PARCC Will Shortens Its Common Core-Aligned Test, Emma Brown, Washington Post
Co offers tablet-based libraries of standards-aligned texts, with assessments and comprehension data.
LightSail Raises $3.5 Million for Tablet-Based Libraries, Mary Jo Madda, edSurge
Despite intense focus on testing tied to consequences, achievement gains have slowed.
Ask Why & How We Test, Not Just How Often, Linda Darling-Hammond, HuffPost
CCSS was supposed to make it easier to market texbooks to 40+ states that adopted them.
How Common Core is Killing the Textbook, Rachael Monahan, Quartz
If the results are disappointing the culprit will be the tests themselves.
Smarter Balanced Math Test is Fatally Flawed, Steve Rasmussen, edSurge
Across 11 states and D.C., more than 2 million PARCC tests have been completed.
Despite Opt-Outs, PARCC Testing Numbers Soar, Allie Bidwell, US News
“We’ve never had this many tests, we’ve never spent this much time testing.”
Some Parents Across US "Op Out' of Standardized Tests, Emma Brown, WP issued its first analysis of Common Core classroom materials.
New ‘Consumer Reports’ for Common Core Finds Materials Lacking, L. Layton, WP
The San Franciso, CA-based startup bills itself as a “Dropbox for Education.”
Renaissance Learning Acquires UClass, Tony Wan, EdBizWatch
While administrators race to iron out tech glitches, one snag remains: how to type.
Common Core-Linked Tests Spur Schools to Teach Typing, Caroline Porter, WSJ
Conservatives, progressives, parents, & unions--formidable opponents to standards, testing, & accountability.
The Case for Annual Testing, G. Whitehurst, M. West, M. Chingos, Brookings
How students fare, and how parents and teachers react, will be crucial.
Why 2015 Is a Crucial Year for Common Core, Libby Nelson, Vox
What do you think will happen this year in education?
Kindergarten Entry Tests And More Education Predictions for 2015, nprEd
Common Core writers never imagined bad homework would fuel political battles.
The Man Behind Common Core Math, Sarah Garland, nprEd
Gates is the leading billionaire/millionaire who has poured money into school “reform."
Who Got the Biggest Gates Foundation Edu Grants for 2014, Valerie Strauss, WP
Testing & assessment market has grown 57% over last 3 yrs, totaling $2.5 billion.
Common Core Assessment Now Largest K–12 Tech Mkt Sector, D. Smith, EdTech Mag
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Don’t Do Away with School Testing
Make changes, but don’t compromise the ability to measure how well a child is learning.
Don’t Do Away with School Testing, Editorial Board, Washington Post
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