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Because there will be a test. In education, there always is.
Your Cheat Sheet to 10 Fads, Trends, and WTFs in Ed Tech, Frank Catalano, GeekWire
What K-12 OER Collborative, a new non-profit led by 11 states, plans to do.
OER: Bursting the $8 Billion Bubble, Lindsey Tepe, EdCentral
A convergence of common core & technology have come together to create this demand.
Investments Decline As Education Technology Grows Up, Jonathan Shiever, TechCrunch
Everyone and their mother seems to have an edtech these days.
Where Is All The VC Money Going In Education Technology? Katie Lepi, Edudemic
We are in a hype bubble, but the question of a valuation bubble is a separate issue.
Investors Debate Possible Bubble in the Ed-Tech Marketplace, Michelle Davis, EdWeek
There are three lessons to learn before lessons can be learned.
Open Letter to Wannabe Edtech Entrepreneurs, Frank Catalano, GeekWire
Now there are 3 casualties among the current, over-hyped Silicon Valley EdTech Darlings.
The First Crack in the Ed Tech Hype Bubble of 2011-2013, Christopher Nyren, edreach
By the standards of the economic marketplace most colleges are still underpriced.
There's No College Tuition 'Bubble,' Jeffery Dorfman, Forbes
Higher ed econ expert explains how subsidies fuel rising prices and why there's a 'bubble.'
Richard Vedder: The Real Reason College Costs So Much, Allysia Finley, WSJ
It’s not simply that not all degrees are created equal: not all majors are created equal.
Online Education is No Bubble, Michelle Rhee-Weise, PhD, Clayton Chritensen Institute
So far in 2013, the U.S. alone has seen five new edtech incubators and accelerators.
Edtech Incubators Are Popping Up Everywhere, edSurge's Tony Wan, Fast Company
No Bubble. At SXSWedu, Gates said investment in the sector is “absolutely not” enough.
Bill Gates: Education Needs More Than 1% R&D Spending, Ki Mae Heussner, GigaOM
70% of the 2012 deal activity in edtech is seed/angel deals, so right now there's no bubble
Ed Tech Pulls in $1.1B of Funding in 2012, CB Insights
Colleges are slowly pricing themselves out of existence.
After Housing & the Stock Market, Is Higher Ed the Next Bubble to Burst, Avi Dan, Forbes
Since 1978, textbooks increased by 812% while the CPI increased 250%.
College Textbook Bubble Will Burst, Joanne Jacobs, Linking and Thinking On Education
Is there a Series A crunch, or is it an angel bubble?
Silicon Valley's Big, Dumb Angel Bubble, Jolie O'Dell, Venture Beat
Miro Kazakoff laid out what he sees as both traps and opportunities in the industry.
Testive CEO Asks if We're in an Edtech Bubble, Molly Gerth, Technaplex
It's a major story this year: broken educational institutions under seige by Silicon Valley.
The Story of the Business of Ed Tech, Audrey Watters, HackEducation
On Mission-driven innovators vs gold rushers, growing edtech marketplace, tools & teachers.
Bubbles on the Brain, Betsy Corcoran, AllThingsD
If we worry about that, I fear we’ve lost the argument for "why ed-tech?" in the 1st place.
Why 'Is There an Edtech Bubble?' Is the Wrong Questions, Audrey Watters, Hack Educaiton
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Ed Tech: Your Cheat Sheet to 10 Fads, Trends, and WTFs
Because there will be a test. In education, there always is.
Your Cheat Sheet to 10 Fads, Trends, and WTFs in Ed Tech, Frank Catalano, GeekWire
in Badges, Big Data, Privacy, Analytics, Bubble in EdTech?, Coding for Kids, Corporate Training, Job Skills, Code Camps, MOOCs, Op-Ed & Commentary, Open Ed Resources (OER), STEM Learning, Khan Academy | Permalink